Unlock Expert Compute services

Build and release quicker with cloud-based scalable compute products. QSS offers configurable server configurations sized for any application, industry-leading price-to-performance ratios, and consistent pricing across locations and consumption volumes.

Use Cases

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On-site data centre solutions require vast upfront and continuing financial investment in building and maintaining the facility, training employees, hardware acquisition, and overhead costs. With a virtualized data centre solution, the virtualized IT components are hosted in data centres owned and operated by QSS. 
Our Virtual Data Center solution enables you to have a fully operational private data centre in QSS Cloud within a few hours, providing you with various benefits such as predictable pricing, better productivity, enterprise-level security, and compliance features inherent to the cloud environment. 
You can customize Virtual data centres to deliver cloud computing resources such as CPU power, memory, storage, and bandwidth specific to your company's needs. We give you the freedom to enhance IT resources and pivot company processes in response to market demand to obtain a competitive advantage. Contact us today to learn more about how we can assist you with migrating to a virtual data centre solution.

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Grow your business with Virtual Servers on state-of-the-art Cisco-certified infrastructure. 

Virtual Private Server is a basic Cloud service that presents a quick and easy way to increase the capacity of your IT resources or rent them out entirely without initial investment and at a low cost. It is intended for users who need greater autonomy and security than those provided by classic web hosting. 
QSS implements vCloud service on fast and secure servers in QSS Data Centers, available on the VMware Platform. With QSS VPS at your disposal, you get all the resources you want and complete control over your server. 
Using the QSS VPS service, you are free from investing in hardware and additional internet connections. The QSS expert team will help you choose the optimal VPS configuration that suits your company's needs.

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With cloud automation technologies, you can innovate more quickly.

A cloud platform provides not only on-demand computer resources connected to the network but also flexible storage. It also provides tools for operating and automating tasks such as deployments, maintenance, and scaling up during high traffic. 
A container management ecosystem, among other things, automates orchestration, log management, monitoring, networking, load balancing, testing, and secrets management. IT businesses may use automation to handle huge containerized environments that are too large for a human operator to maintain.

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Other services we offer

Discover a collaboration that can help you achieve more today and in the future for your employees, your business, and your consumers.


Helps businesses limit their vulnerability to data theft and manipulation


Having data backups will save you time and money, give you a competitive edge and guarantee business continuity.


Give your business instant credibility and put you in the same online marketplace as your largest competitors.


Enable more efficient communication and collaboration between your teams through our collaboration applications.


QSS Certified Cloud security professionals assist you in securing your environments across all hyper-scale public and private clouds.


We help you to elevate your data, security, and application services.

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