Data security for your company, everywhere and at any time

We'll help you safeguard and preserve sensitive data while meeting compliance requirements such as HIPAA and other security laws, so you can keep your business running.

Data Protection

Data disruptions can slow down your business and adversely impact customer experiences. Rackspace Technology™ can help ensure your privacy and data protection is always online and in your control.
We apply access policy and encryption tools, key management automation and clearly defined security processes to help ensure you have the highest levels of data protection.
With everything in one place, you can better maintain the standards of encryption and auditability you need to protect your business and meet key compliance requirements.


Use cases

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Threat risk assessment

● Analyze the various types of data you generate and store.● Make a policy for data classification.● Determine the sensitivity of each data type and its data protection standards.● Examine the suggestions for protecting each type of data.

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Simplify encryption processes

● Reduce the complexity of migrations and deployments while providing consistent user experiences.● Consistent data encryption across different platforms is possible without altering apps, infrastructure, or business procedures.● Install and configure a data security platform as well as agents in your environment.● With SSL certificates, you can ensure site visitors that their data will be secured and delivered safely.

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Manage encryption keys

● For the security of sensitive data, create unique access policies.● Data encryption, key management, and regular backups are all covered by the data transformation protocols we implement.● Access all of your encryption key management chores from a single platform.● With automated procedures, you may enjoy quick and secure key rotation, replication, and backup.

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Retain full control

● Gain control over when, how, and by whom specific data may be viewed.● Learn about data accessibility and innovative workflows to help you achieve more efficiency.● When combined with Proactive Detection and Response (PDR) services, you may have optional 24x7x365 monitoring and response, allowing you data access that can be connected with other data streams to spot behavioural anomalies and possible threats.

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Address common compliance needs

Controls, visibility levels, and auditability may be customized to comply with HIPAA privacy and other security regulations.Determine whether internal rules and legal requirements are being followed.Keep track of your data usage and security precautions to provide thorough PDP reports on access to sensitive data that you may utilize to assist with compliance goals.Add our Compliance Assistance service to get fully mapped evidence tailored to your compliance landscape and supported by expert compliance specialists.

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Strengthen auditing and reporting capabilities

Experience tamper-proof auditing that logs all permitted and unauthorized attempts to access your protected data and security rules in line with data protection legislation.
Using log encryption, you can keep your records safe.

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Flexible multicloud data encryption options

We can assist you with securely protecting critical data and business keys in your settings, regardless of location.
Our encryption services may assist you in meeting your data protection compliance requirements across a variety of hybrid on-premises, hosted, public cloud environments, and even public IaaS, SaaS, and PaaS alternatives.
We provide customizable key management and data security options that enable you to fully control key and data access, simplify role-based access, and guard against internal threats.

Ready to start a project with us?Let's get in touch.

Other Services

  • We'll create a solution that ensures you get the most out of your apps to rapidly take advantage of new business opportunities.

  • Let our team manage, run, and optimize the day-to-day features of your cloud environment, allowing you to stay ahead of the curve.

  • Consult

    Our cloud professionals will assist you in developing the best Cloud strategy to get you where you want to go.

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