Rapidly detect and address cyber security risks

Deploy a single team to continuously identify and respond to vulnerabilities and new cyber threats in your multi-cloud environments.

Detect and Respond

To deal with attacks efficiently and proactively, your organization need a partner who can combine cyber threat information, security analytics, alerts, and response services.
We are your organization's security force multiplier, ready to provide round-the-clock Security Operation Center (SOC) services that can be implemented and managed across multi-cloud environments, therefore defending you from security dangers.


Use cases

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State-of-the-art global Security Operations Center.

Our certified security analysts collaborate with your IT teams to discover breaches and address attacks in your protected environment more quickly. Using existing telemetry across endpoint agents, security devices, and network monitoring, the SOC offers security analysts with instant threat detection notifications for malicious attacks.

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Security Information and Event Management

Our security professionals monitor alert activity around the clock to detect potential breaches and respond to situations. Your security alerts are sent to our security information and event management system (SIEM), where they are then analyzed.

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Advanced Threat Detection

Our cloud-based security agents continuously monitor and evaluate large amounts of data and activities, looking for known and unidentified malware, indicators of attack (IOA) behaviour, ransomware, zero-day vulnerabilities, and other threats. When threats are discovered, our security specialists act quickly to neutralize them in your protected environment.

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Cyber hunting

Protection from Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs), which are sometimes difficult to identify using only tools. An active cyber threat intelligence-based approach based on the MITRE ATT&CK™ methodology, powered by active intelligence feeds, is used by certified security analysts in our global SOC to improve your threat detection and response.

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Reduce your risk of data loss

QSS mitigates the risk of data loss by reducing the breach window. Our proactive cyber security method detects harmful behaviour before it affects your environment and reduces the number of time threats spends in your environment.

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Multicloud security at scale

Our security services safeguard your environments across all major public and private clouds. We can even help you protect your environments and sensitive data that aren’t currently managed by QSS, like your on-premises data center or colocation environments, and help you integrate with cloud native tools.

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Enable audit-ready compliance

We enable compliance with security controls mapped to mandates such as PCI DSS, HIPAA, HITRUST and GDPR.

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Cloud native security

Whether you're currently on the cloud native path or just getting started, our specialists can help you design and construct a cloud native architecture that meets your DevOps objectives. Our experts can implement and configure supported public cloud-native security solutions in your environment and provide continuous management based on your business requirements.

Ready to start a project with us?Let's get in touch.

Other services

  • We'll create a solution that ensures you get the most out of your apps to rapidly take advantage of new business opportunities.

  • Let our team manage, run, and optimize the day-to-day features of your cloud environment, allowing you to stay ahead of the curve.

  • Consult

    Our cloud professionals will assist you in developing the best Cloud strategy to get you where you want to go.

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